Eole Air Passion


Article 4 - Existing national pilots’ licences - Regulation (EU) 2020/359

  1. [Deleted]
  2. Non-JAR-compliant licences including any associated ratings, certificates, authorisations and/or qualifications issued or recognised by a Member State before the applicability of this Regulation shall be converted into Part-FCL licences by the Member State that issued the licence.
  3. Non-JAR-compliant licences shall be converted into Part- FCL licences and associated ratings or certificates in accordance with:
    1. the provisions of Annex II; or
    2. the elements laid down in a conversion report.
  4. The conversion report shall:
    1. be established by the Member State that issued the pilot licence in consultation with the European Aviation Safety Agency (the Agency);
    2. describe the national requirements on the basis of which the pilot licences were issued;
    3. describe the scope of the privileges that were given to the pilots;
    4. indicate for which requirements in Annex I credit is to be given;
    5. indicate any limitations that need to be included on the Part-FCL licences and any requirements the pilot has to comply with in order to remove those limitations.
  5. The conversion report shall include copies of all documents necessary to demonstrate the elements set out in points (a) to (e) of paragraph 4, including copies of the relevant national requirements and procedures. When developing the conversion report, Member States shall aim at allowing pilots to, as far as possible, maintain their current scope of activities.
  6. Notwithstanding paragraph 3, holders of a class rating instructor certificate or an examiner certificate who have privileges for single-pilot high performance complex aircraft shall have those privileges converted into a type rating instructor certificate or an examiner certificate for single-pilot aeroplanes.
  7. A Member State may authorise student pilots who follow a LAPL training course to exercise limited privileges without supervision before they meet all the requirements necessary for the issuance of a LAPL, subject to the following conditions:
    1. the scope of the privileges shall be based on a safety risk assessment carried out by the Member State, taking into account the extent of training necessary for the intended level of pilot competence to be achieved;
    2. the privileges shall be limited to the following:
      1. the whole or part of the national territory of the authorising Member State;
      2. aircraft registered in the authorising Member State;
      3. aeroplanes and helicopters, both as single-engine piston aircraft with a maximum take-off mass not exceeding 2000 kg, sailplanes and balloons;
    3. for training conducted under the authorisation, the holder of such an authorisation who applies for the issuance of a LAPL shall receive credits that are determined by the Member State on the basis of a recommendation from an ATO or a DTO;
    4. the Member State shall submit periodical reports and safety risk assessments to the Commission and to the Agency every 3 years;
    5. the Member States shall monitor the use of authorisations issued under this paragraph to ensure an acceptable level of aviation safety and take appropriate action in case of identifying an increased safety risk or any other safety concerns.
  8. Until 8 September 2021, a Member State may issue an authorisation to a pilot to exercise specified limited privileges to fly aeroplanes under instrument flight rules before the pilot complies with all of the requirements necessary for the issue of an instrument rating in accordance with this Regulation, subject to the following conditions:
    1. the Member State shall only issue these authorisations when justified by a specific local need which cannot be met by the ratings established under this Regulation;
    2. the scope of the privileges granted by the authorisation shall be based on a safety risk assessment carried out by the Member State, taking into account the extent of training necessary for the intended level of pilot competence to be achieved;
    3. the privileges of the authorisation shall be limited to the airspace of the Member State’s national territory or parts of it;
    4. the authorisation shall be issued to applicants having completed appropriate training with qualified instructors and demonstrated the required competencies to a qualified examiner, as determined by the Member State;
    5. the Member State shall inform the Commission, EASA and the other Member States of the specificities of this authorisation, including its justification and safety risk assessment.
    6. the Member State shall monitor the activities associated with the authorisation to ensure an acceptable level of safety and take appropriate action in case of identifying an increased risk or any safety concerns;
    7. the Member State shall carry out a review of the safety aspects of the implementation of the authorisation and submit a report to the Commission by 8 April 2017 at the latest.
  9. For licences issued before 19 August 2018, Member States shall comply with the requirements laid down in the second paragraph of point (a) of ARA.FCL.200 as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/10651 by 31 December 2022 at the latest.

1 Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1065 of 27 July 2018 amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 as regards the automatic validation of Union flight crew licences and take-off and landing training (OJ L 192, 30.7.2018, p. 31).

Article 4a - Performance-based navigation instrument rating privileges - Regulation (EU) 2016/539

  1. Pilots may only fly in accordance with performance-based navigation (“PBN”) procedures after they have been granted PBN privileges as an endorsement to their instrument rating (“IR”).
  2. A pilot shall be granted PBN privileges where he or she fulfils all of the following requirements:
    1. the pilot has successfully completed a course of theoretical knowledge including PBN, in accordance with FCL.615 of Annex I (Part-FCL);
    2. the pilot has successfully completed flying training including PBN, in accordance with FCL.615 of Annex I (Part-FCL);
    3. the pilot has successfully completed either a skill test in accordance with Appendix 7 to Annex I (Part-FCL) or a skill test or a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 of Annex I (Part-FCL).
  3. The requirements of paragraph 2(a) and (b) shall be deemed to have been fulfilled where the competent authority considers that the competence acquired, either through training or from familiarity with PBN operations, is equivalent to the competence acquired through the courses referred to in paragraph 2(a) and (b) and the pilot demonstrates such competence to the satisfaction of the examiner at the proficiency check or skill test referred to in paragraph 2(c).
  4. A record of the successful demonstration of competency in PBN shall, upon completion of the skill test or the proficiency check referred to in paragraph 2(c), be entered in the pilot's logbook or equivalent record and signed by the examiner who conducted the test or check.
  5. IR pilots without PBN privileges may only fly on routes and approaches that do not require PBN privileges and no PBN items shall be required for the renewal of their IR, until 25 August 2020; after that date, PBN privileges shall be required for every IR.

Article 4b - Upset prevention and recovery training - Regulation (EU) 2018/1974

  1. Upset prevention and recovery training shall become a mandatory part of a training course for a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL), an integrated training course for airline transport pilots for aeroplanes (ATP(A)), a training course for a commercial pilot licence for aeroplanes (CPL(A)) and training courses for a class or type rating for:
    1. single-pilot aeroplanes operated in multi-pilot operations;
    2. single-pilot non-high-performance complex aeroplanes;)
    3. single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes; or
    4. multi-pilot aeroplanes;
    in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL).
  2. For training courses referred to in paragraph 1 that commence before 20 December 2019 at an approved training organisation (ATO), upset prevention and recovery training shall not be mandatory provided that:
    1. CPL(A), ATP(A) or MPL training course is otherwise completed in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) and the skill test is completed in compliance with points FCL.320 (CPL), FCL.620 (IR) or FCL.415.A (MPL) of Annex I (Part-FCL) by 20 December 2021 at the latest; or
    2. class or type rating training course for the aeroplanes is otherwise completed in accordance with Annex I (Part-FCL) and the skill test is completed in compliance with the second subparagraph of paragraph (c) of point FCL.725 of Annex I (Part-FCL) to this Regulation by 20 December 2021 at the latest.

For the purpose of paragraph 1, the competent authority may on its own assessment and pursuant to a recommendation from an ATO give credit for any upset prevention and recovery training completed before 20 December 2019 under national training requirements.

Article 4c - Transitional measures for holders of an en route instrument rating - Regulation (EU) 2020/359

  1. Up to and including 8 September 2022, holders of an en route instrument rating (‘EIR’) set out in point FCL.825 of Annex I (Part-FCL) shall:
    1. be entitled to continue to exercise the privileges of their EIR;
    2. receive revalidation or renewal of their EIR, in accordance with point FCL.825(g) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)1;
    3. be entitled to receive full credit towards the training requirements in point FCL.835(c)(2)(i) and (ii) of Annex I (Part-FCL), when applying for the issue of a basic instrument rating (BIR) in accordance with point FCL.835 of Annex I (Part-FCL); and
    4. receive full credit as established for EIR holders in Annex I (Part-FCL).
  2. As from 8 September 2021, training courses for an EIR referred to in paragraph 1, that have commenced prior to that date, can be continued and shall be regarded as training courses for a BIR. Based on an assessment of the applicant, the approved training organisation responsible for the BIR training course shall determine the amount of EIR training to be credited towards the issue of the BIR.
  3. Applicants for a BIR who hold an EIR or have passed the theoretical knowledge examination for an EIR in accordance with point FCL.825(d) prior to 8 September 2021 shall receive full credit towards the requirements for the theoretical knowledge instruction and examination for the BIR.

1 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) of 4 March 2020 (not yet published in the Official Journal).