Eole Air Passion

SERA - Articles

Article 5 Differences - Regulation (EU) 923/2012

  1. Further to the entry into force of this Regulation and at the latest by the date of its applicability, the Member States shall:
    1. formally notify ICAO that all previously notified differences with respect to ICAO Standards and recommended practices that are covered by this Regulation are withdrawn, with the exception of those relating to essential security and defence policy interests of the Member States in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 549/2004;
    2. notify ICAO of the commonly agreed differences contained in the supplement to the Annex to this Regulation.
  2. In accordance with Annex 15 to the Chicago Convention, each Member State shall publish through its Aeronautical Information Publication the commonly agreed differences notified to ICAO in accordance with point (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article, as well as any other provisions necessitated by local air defence and security considerations in accordance with point (a) of paragraph 1 of this Article.