Eole Air Passion

SERA - Articles

Article 8 Transitional and additional measures - Regulation (EU) 923/2012

  1. Member States that have adopted prior to the entry into force of this Regulation additional provisions complementing an ICAO Standard shall ensure that those are compliant with this Regulation.
  2. For the purpose of this Article, such additional provisions complementing an ICAO Standard shall not constitute a difference under the Chicago Convention. The Member States shall publish such additional provisions as well as any matters left to the decision of a competent authority under this Regulation, through their aeronautical information publications. They shall also inform the Commission and EASA at the latest two months after entry into force of this Regulation, or when the additional provision has been adopted.

GM1 Article 8.2 Transitional and additional measures - ED Decision 2016/023/R

Without prejudice to its publication in other relevant sections of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), information pertaining to Article 8.2 should be grouped and published in the national AIP section GEN 1.6.


  1. If the competent authority decides to permit VFR flights at night in accordance with SERA.5005(c), general information for the permission should be published in the AIP section GEN 1.6 with reference to the section in the AIP where the details for the conditions applicable for VFR flights at night are published;
  2. If the competent authority designates certain parts of airspace as Radio Mandatory Zones (RMZs) and/or as Transponder Mandatory Zones (TMZs) in accordance with SERA.6005, the general information for such designation should be published in the AIP section GEN 1.6 with reference to the section in the AIP where the details for the established RMZs and/or TMZs are published;
  3. If the competent authority selects separation minima in accordance with SERA.8010(c)(2), general information for such selection should be published in AIP section GEN 1.6 with reference to the section in the AIP where the details for the these minima are published.

It should be noted that the above examples do not cover all possible cases which may require publication of information relevant to Article 8.2 in the national AIP section GEN 1.6.