Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 AIRCREW : Pilot Licenses
Revision from August 2023
FCL.100 LAPL – Minimum age - Regulation (EU) 2020/359
Applicants for the LAPL for aeroplanes or helicopters shall be at least 17 years old.
FCL.105 LAPL – Privileges and conditions - Regulation (EU) No
- General. The privileges of the holder of an LAPL are to act without remuneration as PIC in
non-commercial operations on the appropriate aircraft category.
- Conditions. Applicants for the LAPL shall have fulfilled the requirements for the relevant
aircraft category and, when applicable, for the class or type of aircraft used in the skill
FCL.110 LAPL – Crediting for the same aircraft category - Regulation (EU) No
- Applicants for an LAPL who have held another licence in the same category of aircraft shall
be fully credited towards the requirements of the LAPL in that category of aircraft.
- Without prejudice to the paragraph above, if the licence has lapsed, the applicant shall
have to pass a skill test in accordance with FCL.125 for the issue of an LAPL in the
appropriate aircraft category.
FCL.115 LAPL – Training course - Regulation (EU) 2024/2076
- Applicants for an LAPL shall complete a training course at a DTO or an ATO. That training
course shall include:
- theoretical knowledge and flight instruction appropriate to the privileges of the
LAPL applied for;
- additionally, for the LAPL(H), the mandatory training elements for the relevant
helicopter type as defined in the operational suitability data established in
accordance with Annex I (Part 21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.
- Theoretical knowledge instruction and flight instruction may be completed at a DTO or at an
ATO different from the one where applicants have commenced their training.
- For the training for the SEP aeroplanes-sea class privilege, the elements of Section B
(Specific requirements for the aeroplane category), point 7 (Class ratings — sea), of
Appendix 9 shall be considered.
- Applicants for an LAPL may receive credits for previous PPL training they have undergone in
accordance with Subpart C in the same aircraft category, based on an assessment of the
applicant by the ATO or the DTO that is responsible for the LAPL training course. In any
case, applicants shall comply with the experience requirements set out in points
FCL.110.A(a) or FCL.110.H(a), as applicable.
AMC1 FCL.115 LAPL(A) – Training course - ED Decision
- Entry to training
Before being accepted for training an applicant should be informed that the
appropriate medical certificate must be obtained before solo flying is
- Flight instruction
- The LAPL (A) flight instruction syllabus should takes into account the
principles of threat and error management and also cover:
- pre-flight operations, including mass and balance determination,
aircraft inspection and servicing;
- aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance
precautions and procedures;
- control of the aircraft by external visual reference;
- flight at critically low air speeds, recognition of, and recovery from,
incipient and full stalls;
- flight at critically high air speeds, recognition of, and recovery from,
spiral dive;
- normal and crosswind take-offs and landings;
- maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) take-offs,
short-field landings;
- cross-country flying using visual reference, dead reckoning and radio
navigation aids;
- emergency operations, including simulated aeroplane equipment
- operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance
with air traffic services procedures and communication procedures.
- Before allowing applicants to undertake their first solo flight, the FI should
ensure that the applicants can use R/T communication can operate the required
systems and equipment.
- Syllabus of flight instruction
- The numbering of exercises should be used primarily as an exercise reference
list and as a
broad instructional sequencing guide; therefore the demonstrations and practices
need not
necessarily be given in the order listed. The actual order and content will
depend upon the
following interrelated factors:
- the applicant’s progress and ability;
- the weather conditions affecting the flight;
- the flight time available;
- instructional technique considerations;
- the local operating environment;
- applicability of the exercises to the aeroplane or TMG type.
- Each of the exercises involves the need for the applicant to be aware of the
needs of good
airmanship and look-out, which should be emphasised at all times.
- Exercise 1a: Familiarisation with the aeroplane or
- characteristics of the aeroplane or TMG;
- cockpit layout;
- systems;
- checklists, drills and controls.
- Exercise 1b: Emergency drills:
- action if fire on the ground and in the air;
- engine cabin and electrical system fire;
- systems failure;
- escape drills, location and use of emergency equipment and
- Exercise 2: Preparation for and action after flight:
- flight authorisation and aeroplane or TMG acceptance;
- serviceability documents;
- equipment required, maps, etc.;
- external checks;
- internal checks;
- harness, seat or rudder panel adjustments;
- starting and warm-up checks;
- power checks;
- running down system checks and switching off the engine;
- parking, security and picketing (for example tie down);
- completion of authorisation sheet and serviceability
- Exercise 3: Air experience: flight exercise.
- Exercise 4: Effects of controls:
- primary effects when laterally level and when banked;
- further effects of aileron and rudder;
- effects of:
- air speed;
- slipstream;
- power;
- trimming controls;
- flaps;
- other controls, as applicable.
- operation of:
- mixture control;
- carburettor heat;
- cabin heating or ventilation.
- Exercise 5a: Taxiing:
- pre-taxi checks;
- starting, control of speed and stopping;
- engine handling;
- control of direction and turning;
- turning in confined spaces;
- parking area procedure and precautions;
- effects of wind and use of flying controls;
- effects of ground surface;
- freedom of rudder movement;
- marshalling signals;
- instrument checks;
- air traffic control procedures.
- Exercise 5b: Emergencies: brake and steering
- Exercise 6: Straight and level:
- at normal cruising power, attaining and maintaining straight and
level flight;
- flight at critically high air speeds;
- demonstration of inherent stability;
- control in pitch, including use of trim;
- lateral level, direction and balance, trim;
- at selected air speeds (use of power);
- during speed and configuration changes;
- use of instruments for precision.
- Exercise 7: Climbing:
- entry, maintaining the normal and max rate climb, levelling
- levelling off at selected altitudes;
- en-route climb (cruise climb);
- climbing with flap down;
- recovery to normal climb;
- maximum angle of climb;
- use of instruments for precision.
- Exercise 8: Descending:
- entry, maintaining and levelling off;
- levelling off at selected altitudes;
- glide, powered and cruise descent (including effect of power and
air speed);
- side slipping (on suitable types);
- use of instruments for precision flight.
- Exercise 9: Turning:
- entry and maintaining medium level turns;
- resuming straight flight;
- faults in the turn (in correct pitch, bank and balance);
- climbing turns;
- descending turns;
- slipping turns (for suitable types);
- turns onto selected headings, use of gyro heading indicator and
- use of instruments for precision.
- Exercise 10a: Slow flight:
Note: the objective is to improve the student’s ability to recognise
inadvertent flight at
critically low speeds and provide practice in maintaining the aeroplane
or TMG in balance
while returning to normal air speed.
- safety checks;
- introduction to slow flight;
- controlled flight down to critically slow air speed;
- application of full power with correct attitude and balance to
achieve normal climb speed.
- Exercise 10b: Stalling:
- safety checks;
- symptoms;
- recognition;
- clean stall and recovery without power and with power;
- recovery when a wing drops;
- approach to stall in the approach and in the landing
configurations, with and without power and recovery at the
incipient stage.
- Exercise 11: Spin avoidance:
- safety checks;
- stalling and recovery at the incipient spin stage (stall with
excessive wing drop, about 45°);
- instructor induced distractions during the stall.
- Exercise 12: Take-off and climb to downwind
- pre-take-off checks;
- into wind take-off;
- safeguarding the nose wheel (if applicable);
- crosswind take-off;
- drills during and after take-off;
- short take-off and soft field procedure or techniques including
performance calculations;
- noise abatement procedures.
- Exercise 13: Circuit, approach and landing:
- circuit procedures, downwind and base leg;
- powered approach and landing;
- safeguarding the nose wheel (if applicable);
- effect of wind on approach and touchdown speeds and use of
- crosswind approach and landing;
- glide approach and landing;
- short landing and soft field procedures or techniques;
- flapless approach and landing;
- wheel landing (tail wheel aeroplanes);
- missed approach and go-around;
- noise abatement procedures.
- Exercise 12/13: Emergencies:
- abandoned take-off;
- engine failure after take-off;
- mislanding and go-around;
- missed approach.
Note: in the interests of safety, it will be necessary for
pilots trained on nose
wheel aeroplanes or TMGs to undergo dual conversion training
before flying tail
wheel aeroplanes or TMGs, and vice versa.
- Exercise 14: First solo:
- instructor’s briefing including limitations;
- use of required equipment;
- observation of flight and de-briefing by instructor.
Note: during flights immediately following the solo circuit
consolidation the following should be revised:
- procedures for leaving and rejoining the circuit;
- the local area, restrictions, map reading;
- use of radio aids for homing;
- turns using magnetic compass, compass errors.
- Exercise 15: Advanced turning:
- steep turns (45 °), level and descending;
- stalling in the turn and recovery;
- recoveries from unusual attitudes, including spiral dives.
- Exercise 16: Forced landing without power:
- forced landing procedure;
- choice of landing area, provision for change of plan;
- gliding distance;
- descent plan;
- key positions;
- engine cooling;
- engine failure checks;
- use of radio;
- base leg;
- final approach;
- landing;
- actions after landing.
- Exercise 17: Precautionary landing:
- full procedure away from aerodrome to break-off height;
- occasions necessitating a precautionary landing;
- in-flight conditions;
- landing area selection:
- normal aerodrome;
- disused aerodrome;
- ordinary field.
- circuit and approach;
- actions after landing.
- Exercise 18a: Navigation:
- flight planning:
- weather forecast and actuals;
- map selection and preparation:
- choice of route;
- airspace structure;
- safety altitudes.
- calculations:
- magnetic heading(s) and time(s) en-route;
- fuel consumption;
- mass and balance;
- mass and performance.
- flight information:
- NOTAMs, etc.;
- radio frequencies;
- selection of alternate aerodromes.
- aeroplane or TMG documentation;
- notification of the flight:
- pre-flight administrative procedures;
- flight plan form.
- departure:
- organisation of cockpit workload;
- departure procedures:
- altimeter settings;
- ATC liaison in regulated airspace;
- setting heading procedure;
- noting of ETAs.
- maintenance of altitude and heading;
- revisions of ETA and heading;
- log keeping;
- use of radio;
- minimum weather conditions for continuation of flight;
- in-flight decisions;
- transiting controlled or regulated airspace;
- diversion procedures;
- uncertainty of position procedure;
- lost procedure.
- arrival and aerodrome joining procedure:
- ATC liaison in regulated airspace;
- altimeter setting;
- entering the traffic pattern;
- circuit procedures;
- parking;
- security of aeroplane or TMG;
- refuelling;
- closing of flight plan, if appropriate;
- post-flight administrative procedures.
- Exercise 18b: Navigation problems at lower levels
and in reduced
- actions before descending;
- hazards (for example obstacles, and terrain);
- difficulties of map reading;
- effects of wind and turbulence;
- vertical situational awareness (avoidance of controlled flight
into terrain);
- avoidance of noise sensitive areas;
- joining the circuit;
- bad weather circuit and landing.
- Exercise 18c: Radio navigation (basics):
- use of GNSS or VOR/ADF:
- selection of waypoints or stations;
- to or from indications and orientation;
- error messages.
- use of VHF/DF:
- availability, AIP and frequencies;
- R/T procedures and ATC liaison;
- obtaining a QDM and homing.
- use of en-route or terminal radar:
- availability and AIP;
- procedures and ATC liaison;
- pilot’s responsibilities;
- secondary surveillance radar:
- transponders;
- code selection;
- interrogation and reply.
- Exercise 19: Stopping and restarting the engine (in
the case of TMGs
- engine cooling;
- switching-off procedure;
- restarting of the engine.
AMC2 FCL.115 LAPL(H) Training course - ED Decision
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AMC1 FCL.115(c) LAPL – Training course - ED Decision
In cases where the applicant completes the training course (theoretical knowledge instruction
flight instruction) at a different DTO or ATO (‘completing training organisation’) from the
where they have started the training course (‘starting training organisation’), the
applicant should
request from the starting training organisation a copy of the records kept in accordance
with point
DTO.GEN.220 or point ORA.ATO.120.
FCL.120 LAPL – Theoretical knowledge examination - Regulation (EU)
- Applicants for an LAPL shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge appropriate to the
privileges granted, through examinations on the following:
- common subjects:
- Air law,
- Human performance
- Meteorology,
- Communications, and
- Navigation.
- specific subjects concerning the different aircraft categories:
- Principles of flight,
- Operational procedures,
- Flight performance and planning, and
- Aircraft general knowledge.
AMC1 FCL.115; FCL.120 LAPL training course and theoretical
knowledge examination - ED Decision 2020/005/R
- The training and examination should cover aspects related to non-technical skills in an
manner, taking into account the particular risks associated with the licence and the
The DTO or the ATO responsible for the training has to check if all the appropriate
elements of
the training course of theoretical knowledge instruction have been completed to a
standard before recommending the applicant for the examination.
- The following tables contain the syllabi for the courses of theoretical knowledge, as
well as for
the theoretical knowledge examinations for the LAPL(B) and LAPL(S). The syllabi for the
knowledge instruction and examination for the PPL(A) and PPL(H) in AMC1 FCL.210; FCL.215
should be
used for the LAPL(A) and the LAPL(H), respectively.
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FCL.125 LAPL – Skill test - Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
- Applicants for an LAPL shall demonstrate through the completion of a skill test the ability
to perform,
as PIC on the appropriate aircraft category, the relevant procedures and manoeuvres with
appropriate to the privileges granted.
- Applicants for the skill test shall have received flight instruction on the same class or
type of aircraft
to be used for the skill test. The privileges will be restricted to the class or type used
for the skill
test until further extensions are endorsed on the licence, in accordance with this Subpart.
- Pass marks
- The skill test shall be divided into different sections, representing all the
different phases
of flight appropriate to the category of aircraft flown.
- Failure in any item of a section will cause the applicant to fail the entire
section. If the
applicant fails only 1 section, he/she shall repeat only that section. Failure in
more than
1 section will cause the applicant to fail the entire test.
- When the test needs to be repeated in accordance with (2), failure in any section,
those that have been passed on a previous attempt, will cause the applicant to fail
the entire test.
- Failure to achieve a pass in all sections of the test in 2 attempts will require
further practical training.
AMC1 FCL.120; FCL.125 - ED Decision
- Theoretical knowledge examination
- The examinations should be in written form and should comprise a total of 120
questions covering all the subjects.
- For the subject ‘communication’ practical classroom testing may be conducted.
- The competent authority should inform applicants of the language(s) in which the
will be conducted.
- Skill test
- Further training may be required following any failed skill test or part
thereof. There
should be no limit to the number of skill tests that may be attempted.
- Conduct of the test
- If the applicant chooses to terminate a skill test for reasons considered
inadequate by the
FE, the applicant should retake the entire skill test. If the test is terminated
for reasons
considered adequate by the FE, only those sections not completed should be
tested in a further flight.
- Any manoeuvre or procedure of the test may be repeated once by the applicant.
The FE may stop
the test at any stage if it is considered that the applicant’s demonstration of
flying skill
requires a complete retest.
- An applicant should be required to fly the aircraft from a position where the
PIC functions
can be performed and to carry out the test as if there is no other crew member.
for the flight should be allocated in accordance with national regulations.
AMC1 FCL.125 LAPL – Skill test - ED Decision
- The route to be flown for the skill test should be chosen by the FE. The route should
end at the
aerodrome of departure or at another aerodrome. The applicant should be responsible for
the flight
planning and should ensure that all equipment and documentation for the execution of the
flight are
on board. The navigation section of the test should have a duration of at least 30
minutes which
allows the pilot to demonstrate his/her ability to complete a route with at least two
waypoints and may, as agreed between applicant and FE, be flown as a separate test.
- An applicant should indicate to the FE the checks and duties carried out, including the
of radio facilities. Checks should be completed in accordance with the flight manual or
the authorised
checklist for the aeroplane or TMG on which the test is being taken. During pre-flight
preparation for
the test the applicant should be required to determine power settings and speeds.
Performance data for
take-off, approach and landing should be calculated by the applicant in compliance with
the operations
manual or flight manual for the aeroplane or TMG used.
- The applicant should demonstrate the ability to:
- operate the aeroplane or TMG within its limitations;
- complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
- exercise good judgment and airmanship;
- apply aeronautical knowledge;
- maintain control of the aeroplane or TMG at all times in such a manner that the
outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is never seriously in doubt.
- The following limits are for general guidance. The FE should make allowance for
conditions and the handling qualities and performance of the aeroplane or TMG used:
- height: normal flight ± 150 ft
- speed:
- take-off and approach +15/-5 knots
- all other flight regimes ± 15 knots
- The skill test contents and sections set out in this AMC should be used for the skill
for the issue of a LAPL(A):
Use of checklist, airmanship, control of aeroplane or TMG by
visual reference, anti/de-icing procedures, etc. apply in all sections.
a |
Pre-flight documentation, NOTAM and weather briefing |
b |
Mass and balance and performance calculation |
c |
Aeroplane or TMG inspection and servicing |
d |
Engine starting and after starting procedures |
e |
Taxiing and aerodrome procedures, pre-take-off procedures |
f |
Take-off and after take-off checks |
g |
Aerodrome departure procedures |
h |
ATC liaison: compliance |
a |
ATC liaison |
b |
Straight and level flight, with speed changes |
c |
- best rate of climb;
- climbing turns
- levelling off.
d |
Medium (30° bank) turns, look-out procedures and collision avoidance |
e |
Steep (45° bank) turns |
f |
Flight at critically low air speed with and without flaps |
g |
- clean stall and recover with power;
- approach to stall descending turn with bank angle 20°, approach
- approach to stall in landing configuration.
h |
- with and without power;
- descending turns (steep gliding turns);
- levelling off.
a |
Flight plan, dead reckoning and map reading |
b |
Maintenance of altitude, heading and speed |
c |
Orientation, airspace structure, timing and revision of ETAs, log keeping
d |
Diversion to alternate aerodrome (planning and implementation) |
e |
Flight management (checks, fuel systems, carburettor icing, etc.) |
f |
ATC liaison: compliance |
a |
Aerodrome arrival procedures |
b |
Collision avoidance (look-out procedures) |
c |
Precision landing (short field landing) and crosswind, if suitable
conditions available
d |
Flapless landing (if applicable) |
e |
Approach to landing with idle power |
f |
Touch and go |
g |
Go-around from low height |
h |
ATC liaison |
i |
Actions after flight |
This section may be combined with Sections 1 through 4 |
a |
Simulated engine failure after take-off |
b |
(*) Simulated forced landing |
c |
(*) Simulated precautionary landing |
d |
Simulated emergencies |
e |
Oral questions |
(*) These items may be combined, at the discretion of the FE.
AMC2 FCL.125 LAPL(H) – Skill test - ED Decision
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AMC1 FCL.125; FCL.235 LAPL(S) AND SPL – Skill test
- ED Decision 2011/016/R
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AMC2 FCL.125; FCL.235 LAPL(B) AND A BPL – Skill
test - ED Decision 2011/016/R
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FCL.105.A LAPL(A) – Privileges and conditions - Regulation (EU)
- Privileges
The privileges of the holder of an LAPL for aeroplanes are to act as PIC on SEP
aeroplanes-land (SEP(land)), SEP aeroplanes-sea (SEP(sea)) or TMG with a maximum certified
take-off mass of 2 000 kg or less, carrying a maximum of three passengers, such that there
are never more than four persons on board the aircraft.
- Conditions
- Holders of a LAPL(A) shall carry passengers only if they have completed 10 hours of
time as PIC on aeroplanes or TMG after the issuance of the licence.
- Holders of a LAPL(A) who previously held an ATPL(A), an MPL(A), a CPL(A) or a
PPL(A), are
exempted from the requirements laid down in point (b)(1).
AMC1 FCL.105.A(b)(2) Privileges and conditions - ED
Decision 2020/005/R
In the case of previous MPL(A) holders, only those who extended their MPL(A) to include CPL
privileges or PPL privileges in accordance with point FCL.405.A(b) may benefit from the
exemption of point FCL.105.A(b)(2).
FCL.110.A LAPL(A) – Experience requirements and crediting - Regulation (EU)
- Applicants for an LAPL(A) shall have completed at least 30 hours of flight instruction on
aeroplanes or TMGs, including at least:
- 15 hours of dual flight instruction in the class in which the skill test will be
- 6 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 3 hours of solo
cross-country flight
time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 150 km (80 NM), during which 1
full stop
landing at an aerodrome different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made.
- Specific requirements for applicants who hold an SPL issued in accordance with Annex III
to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, including privileges to fly TMGs.
for an LAPL(A) who hold an SPL with the privileges to fly TMGs shall have completed at least
21 hours
of flight time on TMGs after the endorsement of the TMG privileges and shall comply with the
of point FCL.135.A(a) on aeroplanes.
- Crediting. Applicants with prior experience as PIC may be credited towards the requirements
of point (a) under the following conditions:
- the amount of credit shall be decided by the DTO or the ATO where the pilot
undergoes the training course, on the basis of a pre-entry flight assessment, but
shall in any case:
- not exceed the total flight time as PIC;
- not exceed 50 % of the hours required in point (a);
- not include the requirements of point (a)(2).
- previous experience as PIC in aircraft that are subject to a decision of a Member
State taken in accordance with Article 2(8), points (a) or (c), of Regulation (EU)
2018/1139 or that fall within the scope of Annex I to that Regulation may be
considered, provided that the aircraft match the definition of the respective
aircraft category under this Annex (Part-FCL).
AMC1 FCL.115.A LAPL(A) – Training course (1) - ED
Decision 2020/005/R
The pre-entry flight test referred to in FCL.110.A(c) should cover the total content of the
of flight instruction for the issuance of the LAPL(A), in accordance with AMC1 FCL.115.
(1) - The correct title should be “AMC1 FCL.110.A – Experience requirements and crediting”,
to be
corrected with the next AMC amendment.
FCL.135.A LAPL(A) – Extension of privileges to another class or variant of
aeroplane - Regulation (EU) 2024/2076
- Applicants for an LAPL(A) shall be issued with privileges for the class of aeroplanes or
TMGs in which the skill test was taken. In order to extend their privileges to another
class, holders of an LAPL(A) shall complete, in that other class, all of the following:
- 3 hours of flight instruction, including the following:
- 10 dual take-offs and landings;
- 10 supervised solo take-offs and landings;
- a skill test to demonstrate an adequate level of practical skill in the new class.
During that skill test, the applicant shall also demonstrate to the examiner an
adequate level of theoretical knowledge for the other class in the following
- Operational procedures;
- Flight performance and planning;
- Aircraft general knowledge.
- In order to extend the privileges to another variant within a class, the pilot shall either
undergo differences training or do familiarisation. The differences training shall be
entered in the pilot’s logbook or in an equivalent record and shall be signed by the
instructor. When extending the privileges for an SEP aeroplane class to a variant with
another type of engine referred to in Article 2, point (8c), the differences training shall
consist of dual flight instruction and theoretical knowledge instruction which shall
include, with regard to that other type of engine and related aircraft systems, at least all
of the following subjects:
- Operational procedures;
- Flight performance and planning;
- Aircraft general knowledge.
- Applicants for the extension of privileges of the LAPL(A) to TMG who also hold an SPL in
accordance with Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976,
including the privileges to fly on TMGs, shall receive full credits towards the requirements
in paragraph (a).
GM1 FCL.135.A; FCL.135.H - ED Decision 2011/016/R
- Differences training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on an
appropriate training device or the aircraft.
- Familiarisation training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge.
FCL.140.A LAPL(A) – Recency requirements - Regulation (EU) 2024/2076
- Holders of a LAPL(A) shall exercise the privileges of their licence only if in the last 2
years they have met any of the following conditions as pilots of aeroplanes or TMGs:
- they have completed at least 12 hours of flight time as PIC or flying dual or solo
under the supervision of an instructor, including:
- 12 take-offs and landings;
- refresher training of at least 1 hour of total flight time with and to the
satisfaction of an instructor who shall select those flight exercises that
allow the applicant to refresh their competence in safely operating the
aircraft and applying normal, abnormal and emergency procedures;
- they have passed a LAPL(A) proficiency check with an examiner. The proficiency check
programme shall be based on the skill test for the LAPL(A);
- If holders of a LAPL(A) hold both a SEP(land) and a SEP(sea) privilege, they may comply with
the requirements in point (a)(1) in either class or a combination thereof which shall be
valid for both privileges. For this purpose, at least 1 hour of the required flight time and
6 out of the required 12 take-offs and landings shall be completed in each class.
- Holders of an LAPL(A) with privileges for SEP aeroplanes who, in accordance with point
FCL.135.A(b), have extended their privileges to a variant with a different type of engine
referred to in Article 2, point (8c), if they have not flown that variant within the
preceding 2 years, shall complete any of the following in that variant, before exercising
their privileges in that variant:
- further differences training in accordance with point FCL.135.A(b);
- a proficiency check;
- refresher training in accordance with point FCL.140.A(a)(1)(ii).
- The dual flights, flights under supervision referred to in the introductory phrase of point
(a)(1), the refresher training referred to in point (a)(1)(ii) and point (c)(3) and the
proficiency check referred to in point (a)(2) and point (c)(2) shall be entered in the
pilot’s logbook or equivalent record and shall be signed by the instructor or examiner, as
AMC1 FCL.140.A; FCL.140.S; FCL.740.A(b)(1)(ii) Recency and
revalidation requirements - ED Decision 2020/005/R
All hours flown on aeroplanes or sailplanes that are subject to a decision as per Article
of the Basic Regulation or that are specified in Annex I to the Basic Regulation should
in full towards fulfilling the hourly requirements of points FCL.140.A, FCL.140.S, and
under the following conditions:
- the aircraft matches the definition and criteria of the respective Part-FCL aircraft
class, and type ratings; and
- the aircraft that is used for training flights with an instructor is an Annex-I aircraft
type (a), (b), (c), or (d) that is subject to an authorisation specified in points
ORA.ATO.135 or DTO.GEN.240.
AMC1 FCL.140.A; FCL.140.H; FCL.140.S; FCL.140.B Recency
requirements - ED Decision 2020/005/R
Training flight items should be based on the exercise items of the proficiency check, as
relevant by the instructor, and depending on the experience of the candidate. For aeroplanes
helicopters, the briefing should include a discussion on TEM with special emphasis on
when encountering adverse meteorological conditions or unintentional IMC, as well as on
flight capabilities. For sailplanes and balloons, the discussion should place special
emphasis on
principal occurrence categories of the activity that is covered by the licence.
AMC1 FCL.140.A(b)(1) LAPL(A) Recency requirements - ED
Decision 2020/005/R
The proficiency check should follow the content of the skill test that is set out in
AMC1 FCL.125, point (e).
Section 3 : LAPL(H) - Specific requirements for the LAPL for helicopters
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