Eole Air Passion

SERA - Annexes

SECTION 6 Airspace classification

SERA.6001 Classification of airspaces - Regulation (EU) No 923/2012

  1. Les États membres définissent l’espace aérien selon la classification suivante des espaces aériens et conformément à l’appendice 4.
    1. Class A. IFR flights only are permitted. All flights are provided with air traffic control service and are separated from each other. Continuous air- ground voice communications are required for all flights. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.
    2. Class B. IFR and VFR flights are permitted. All flights are provided with air traffic control service and are separated from each other. Continuous air- ground voice communications are required for all flights. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.
    3. Class C. IFR and VFR flights are permitted. All flights are provided with air traffic control service and IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and from VFR flights. VFR flights are separated from IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of other VFR flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for all flights. For VFR flights a speed limitation of 250 kts indicated airspeed (IAS) applies below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain this speed. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.
    4. Class D. IFR and VFR flights are permitted and all flights are provided with air traffic control service. IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights, receive traffic information in respect of VFR flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. VFR flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights and traffic avoidance advice on request. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for all flights and a speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons, cannot maintain this speed. All flights shall be subject to ATC clearance.
    5. Class E. IFR and VFR flights are permitted. IFR flights are provided with air traffic control service and are separated from other IFR flights. All flights receive traffic information, as far as is practical. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for IFR flights. A speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons cannot maintain this speed. All IFR flights shall be subject to ATC clearance. Class E shall not be used for control zones.
    6. Class F. IFR and VFR flights are permitted. All participating IFR flights receive an air traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight information service if requested. Continuous air-ground voice communications are required for IFR flights participating in the advisory service and all IFR flights shall be capable of establishing air-ground voice communications. A speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons cannot maintain this speed. ATC clearance is not required.
    7. Class G. IFR and VFR flights are permitted and receive flight information service if requested. All IFR flights shall be capable of establishing air- ground voice communications. A speed limitation of 250 kts IAS applies to all flights below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) AMSL, except where approved by the competent authority for aircraft types, which for technical or safety reasons cannot maintain this speed. ATC clearance is not required.
    8. Implementation of Class F shall be considered as a temporary measure until such time as it can be replaced by an alternative classification.
  2. The designation of the airspace classification shall be appropriate to the needs of the Member States, except that all airspace above FL 195 shall be classified as Class C airspace.

AMC1 SERA.6001 Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


Where ATS airspaces adjoin vertically, i.e. one above the other, flights at a common level should comply with the requirements of, and be given services applicable to, the less restrictive class of airspace.

GM1 SERA.6001 Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


  1. Class B airspace is considered less restrictive than Class A airspace; Class C airspace less restrictive than Class B airspace, etc.
  2. The speed limitation of 250 kt for VFR flights in airspace Classes C, D, E, F, G and for IFR flights in airspace Classes D, E, F, G is intended to facilitate visual acquisition of flights which are not separated.
  3. Wherever there is a need to accommodate within a given airspace class operations compatible with a less restrictive class, the following may be used:
    1. reclassification of the airspace concerned;
    2. redesigning the volume of airspace concerned by defining airspace restrictions or reservations, or subvolumes of less restrictive classes of airspace (e.g. corridors).

AMC1 SERA.6001(a)(4);(5);(6);(7) Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


Approval by the competent authority of an alleviation of the 250 kt speed limitation below 3 050 m (10 000 ft) should be based on a safety assessment. The conditions for granting such alleviation should be specified in the Member State Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).

GM1 SERA.6001(a)(4);(5);(6);(7) Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


  1. The following should, as a minimum, be considered when developing the safety assessment:
    1. air traffic, airspace classes requirements, and airspace design, the procedures designed for the airspace, and the potential use of clearances to maintain own separation as described in GM1 to SERA.8005(b);
    2. the minimum safe speed stated in the approved Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) of the relevant aircraft types.
  2. The safety assessment should be developed in coordination with the relevant airspace users.
  3. Coordination should be ensured with the affected airspace users who should provide the data necessary for the development of the safety assessment.
  4. The competent authority should ensure that the aircraft types eligible for such alleviation are specified in the Member State Aeronautical Information Publication.

GM2 SERA.6001(a)(4);(5);(6);(7) Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


  1. For localised alleviations from the speed limitation, the safety assessment is normally conducted by the ATS provider and is subject to approval by the competent authority.
  2. Where alleviation is applied universally across the airspace of the Member State, the competent authority should ensure that appropriate safety assessment has been conducted.

AMC1 SERA.6001(a)(8) Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


Class F airspace should only be implemented where the air traffic services are inadequate for the provision of air traffic control, and the limited advice on collision hazards otherwise provided by flight information service will not be adequate. Where air traffic advisory service is implemented, this should be considered as a temporary measure only until such time as it can be replaced by air traffic control service or, in cases where the traffic situation changes such that advisory service is no longer required, replaced by flight information service.

GM1 SERA.6001(a)(8) Classification of airspaces - ED Decision 2013/013/R


  1. When establishing Class F airspace, its intended temporary duration after which it should be replaced by an alternative classification should be specified in the AIP of the Member State.
  2. The intended temporary duration of Class F airspace should not be longer than 3 years.


  1. Certain CTR airspace may change its classification on a daily basis (e.g. from 06:00 to 20:00 the airspace is classified as Class A, and from 20:00 until 23:59 and from 00:00 until 05:59 is classified as Class F). In this case, the duration of these arrangements should not exceed 3 years.


Mise en œuvre

  1. La limitation de la vitesse air indiquée (IAS) à 250 kt en dessous de 3050 mètres (10 000 pieds) AMSL ne s’applique pas aux aéronefs de la défense qui, pour des raisons techniques ou liées à la sécurité, ne peuvent maintenir cette vitesse.
  2. Des opérations aériennes effectuées en dérogation à la limitation de la vitesse air indiquée (IAS) à 250 noeuds en dessous de 3050 mètres (10 000 pieds) AMSL pour des missions de travail aérien ou pour des vols acrobatiques sont possibles après approbation du directeur interrégional de la sécurité de l’aviation civile territorialement compétent lorsque les aéronefs utilisés ne peuvent, pour des raisons techniques ou de qualité de vol, maintenir cette vitesse.

Les opérations concernées ne peuvent se dérouler qu’à l’intérieur d’un espace aérien permettant une ségrégation avec les autres usagers de l’espace aérien ou sur une localisation d’activité de voltige publiée.

Cette approbation est fondée sur une étude de sécurité. Celle-ci est réalisée par l’exploitant de l’aéronef et, lorsque les opérations se déroulent à l’intérieur d’un espace aérien contrôlé, en coordination avec l’organisme de contrôle concerné.

SERA.6005 Requirements for communications, SSR transponder and electronic conspicuity in U-space airspace - Regulation (EU) No 2021/666

  1. Radio mandatory zone (RMZ)
    1. VFR flights operating in parts of Classes E, F or G airspace and IFR flights operating in parts of Classes F or G airspace designated as a radio mandatory zone (RMZ) by the competent authority shall maintain continuous air-ground voice communication watch and establish two-way communication, as necessary, on the appropriate communication channel, unless in compliance with alternative provisions prescribed for that particular airspace by the ANSP.
    2. Before entering a radio mandatory zone, an initial call containing the designation of the station being called, call sign, type of aircraft, position, level, the intentions of the flight and other information as prescribed by the competent authority, shall be made by pilots on the appropriate communication channel.
  2. Transponder mandatory zone (TMZ)
    1. All flights operating in airspace designated by the competent authority as a transponder mandatory zone (TMZ) shall carry and operate SSR transponders capable of operating on Modes A and C or on Mode S, unless in compliance with alternative provisions prescribed for that particular airspace by the ANSP.
  3. U-space airspace
    Manned aircraft operating in airspace designated by the competent authority as a U-space airspace, and not provided with an air traffic control service by the ANSP, shall continuously make themselves electronically conspicuous to the U-space service providers.
  4. Airspaces designated as radio mandatory zone and/or transponder mandatory zone shall be duly promulgated in the aeronautical information publications.