Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 SERA : Standardised European Rules of the Air
Revision from October
- EASA :
SECTION 12 Services related to meteorology — Aircraft observations and reports by voice
SERA.12001 Types of aircraft observations - Regulation (EU) No 923/2012
- The following aircraft observations shall be made during any phase of the flight:
- special aircraft observations; and
- other non-routine aircraft observations.
FRA. 12002
Disposition supplémentaire
Pour l'application des dispositions de SERA. 12005 c) et SERA. 12015 b), le modèle AIREP
SPECIAL et les instructions détaillées en matière de comptes rendus qui figurent à
l'appendice 5 de l'annexe du règlement d'exécution (UE) n° 923/2012 sont complétées selon
l'appendice FRA. Appendice 5 de la présente annexe.
SERA.12005 Special aircraft observations - Regulation (EU) 2020/1177
- Special observations shall be made and reported by all aircraft whenever the following
conditions are encountered or observed:
- moderate or severe turbulence; or
- moderate or severe icing; or
- severe mountain wave; or
- thunderstorms, without hail, that are obscured, embedded, widespread or in squall
lines; or
- thunderstorms, with hail, that are obscured, embedded, widespread or in squall
lines; or
- heavy dust storm or heavy sandstorm; or
- volcanic ash cloud; or
- pre-eruption volcanic activity or a volcanic eruption; or
- the runway braking action encountered is not as good as reported.
- Competent authorities shall prescribe as necessary other conditions which shall be reported
by all aircraft when encountered or observed.
- Flight crews shall compile the reports using forms based on the model AIREP SPECIAL form as
set out in point A of Appendix 5. Those reports shall comply with the detailed instructions
for reporting, as provided in point 2 of Appendix 5.
- The detailed instructions, including the formats of messages and the phraseologies
provided in Appendix 5, shall be used by flight crews when transmitting air-reports
and by ATS units when retransmitting such reports.
- Special air-reports containing observations of volcanic activity shall be recorded
on the special air-report of volcanic activity form. Forms based on the model form
for special air-reports of volcanic activity set out in point B of Appendix 5 shall
be provided for flight crews operating on routes which could be affected by volcanic
ash clouds.
GM1 SERA.12005(c) Special aircraft observations - ED Decision
In a busy environment where the transmission of complete special aircraft observations would
have a negative impact on the frequency occupancy, ATC may instruct the aircraft to make the
complete report on an alternative frequency.
SERA.12010 Other non-routine aircraft observations - Regulation (EU) No 923/2012
When other meteorological conditions not listed under SERA.12005(a), e.g. wind shear, are
encountered and which, in the opinion of the pilot-in-command, may affect the safety or markedly
affect the efficiency of other aircraft operations, the pilot-in-command shall advise the
appropriate air traffic services unit as soon as practicable.
SERA.12015 Reporting of aircraft observations by voice communication - Regulation (EU)
No 923/2012
- Aircraft observations shall be reported during flight at the time the observation is made or
as soon thereafter as is practicable.
- Aircraft observations shall be reported as air-reports and shall comply with the technical
specifications in Appendix 5.
SERA.12020 Exchange of air-reports - Regulation (EU) No 923/2012
- ATS units shall transmit, as soon as practicable, special and non-routine air-reports to:
- other aircraft concerned;
- the associated meteorological watch office (MWO) in accordance with point 3 of
Appendix 5; and
- other ATS units concerned.
- Transmissions to aircraft shall be repeated at a frequency and continued for a period of
time which shall be determined by the ATS unit concerned.
AMC1 SERA.12020 Exchange of air-reports - ED Decision 2016/023/R
Special air-reports should be transmitted with the least possible delay to aircraft likely to
be affected and should cover the portion of the route up to one hour’s flying time ahead of
the aircraft.
GM1 SERA.12020(a)(2) Exchange of air-reports - ED Decision
The transmission of special and non-routine air-reports to their associated MWO is to be
intended with the exceptions of runway braking action encountered and wind shear
GM1 SERA.12020(a)(3) Exchange of air-reports - ED Decision
Other ATS units concerned are those that have flights under their jurisdiction which are
expected to enter the airspace concerned at a later stage of flight. Those flights could,
for instance, require rerouting before entering the airspace concerned. As an example, a
special air-report concerning volcanic ash or volcanic eruption could be necessary to
transmit to aircraft by ATS units in the FIR adjacent to that affected by the